Zen Hypnotherapist Valerie Davis

About Me

Hi, I’m Valerie Davis, owner of Zen Counselling and Hypnotherapy Australia and New Zealand.  I’m a fully trained and qualified hypnotherapist, with diplomas in hypnotherapy and advanced clinical hypnotherapy.  I operated a thriving practice in Sylvania Waters, Sydney but am now focusing on online hypnotherapy and counselling.   Prior to commencing therapy I screen all clients to ensure that hypnosis will work on you, and am so confident of my services that will offer a money back guarantee if there is not a significant benefit from the treatments received.

I am a member of the International Association of Councillors and Therapists and member of the Australian Association of Professional Hypnotherapists.

Prior to this work I have successfully owned and operated businesses in real estate and travel, worked in the corporate and Banking fields, have a degree in marketing as well ad.

 What can Hypnotherapy or Counselling help with?

stop smoking


  • Stop smoking quick and easy
  • Reduce your alcohol intake
  • Increase or reduce Food Intake
  • Get Off The Drugs
  • Limit Screen Time
  • Change Your Gambling Behaviour’s
  • Help withdrawal symptoms
  • Manage cravings and other addictions
Hypnotherapy for calm birth and pregnancy


  • Easy Healthy Eating habits
  • No crash or fad diets
  • Stop binge eating and cravings
  • Reduce Food Cravings
Hypnotherapy for calm birth and pregnancy


  • Calm and relaxed birthing
  • Improve your natural fertility


  • Learn self hypnosis to overcome fear
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Overcome Phobia’s
  • Create Calm


  • Learn self hypnosis for pain management
  • Relief from medical symptoms
  • Sleeping  Difficulties
  • Drug free anaesthesia


  • Improve self esteem & confidence
  • Improve Concentration
  • Overcome Anxiety
  • Bed wetting


I wanted to become a hypnotherapist because I have a passion for helping people, but why choose hypnotherapy specifically?

Having previously worked in real estate, the travel industry and the banking and finance sectors I have always been a very analytical and science based person.  It was important to me that what I did was evidence based, and scientifically proven to be effective.  More importantly knowing just how effective it is because of my own personal experience using hypnosis.

I used to work long hours and be caught up with the stresses of being a ‘success’ and even though I reached my goals of success there always seemed to be something missing.  I could be an extremely anxious person which would cause me to be fearful, or reserved about a lot of things.   Outward appearances can often be deceiving and to most they saw a bubbly, confident and successful person but few saw my inner turmoil.  My fears manifested in different ways, I would sometimes have one too many glasses of wine, I socially smoked, I was afraid of heights.   I avoided many situations that might involve pain or what I perceived as pain. I spent a lot of time worrying about things, analysing them with a fine tooth comb for problems that may occur which most of the most the time never eventuated.  I had stopped living in the present and was more worried about the future.

Being analytical in nature it was difficult for me to immerse myself in spiritual and religious programs, and although finding many words of wisdom studying taoism, reading buddha’s dharma, the words of Confucius, the teachings of the Koran and the Bible – both new testament and old, for me they were not the solution.  There was still something that was not at ease within myself.  This is where my own experience using hypnotherapy became an inspiration to me, and was the catalyst for me changing a successful career to a rewarding vocation.

Overcoming self doubt, feeling comfortable in my own skin, being at peace with others, expunging past trauma and resentments, ridding myself of fears – however I am still fearful of heights lol inspired me to share what I had found with others.  It still never ceases to amaze me the power of our brain that can alleviate, empower, overcome, rid clients from phobias, ailments, mental blocks and addictions.  It is a joy for me to see just how effective I can be in helping others to lead a better life and leave me as a better version of themselves.


One of my signature treatments is combining mindfulness with hypnotherapy.

Mindfulness is the ability to focus on and observe your thoughts and emotions without judgement,  in the present moment.   Worry or concern about the past or future disappears and the result is a much calmer and stress free life .  Having suffered from anxiety most of my life, I noticed a huge benefit when practicing this simple exercise daily.

The practice of mindfulness placed you in a very relaxed state similar to the state experienced in hypnotherapy.  Not realising it at the time, you will be learning to place yourself in a state very similar to self hypnosis.  But that alone lacked something; making focused changes at a subconscious level.

Combining mindfulness with hypnotherapy. I believed that this was a powerful, life changing combination and the many clients I have offered this signature treatment to have testified to the same.  I have seen it work and am amazed at how quickly it works.  I still use myself for pain relief.   I want to share this gift with you and so Zen Hypnotherapy was born!

One of the main teachings of Zen is mindfulness,  and this is where the name Zen Hypnotherapy comes from.  It is my goal in all sessions to teach you self hypnosis and mindfulness, while working on specific issues, so you will experience true relaxation.  This will free yourself from unnecessary worry and stress, as well as change thought patterns and allow change automatic or bad behaviours, at a subconscious level.

If  you are reading this it means that you are ready and want to make a change, to live a more mindful life, whilst achieving your goals, and I’m looking forward to helping you on your Hypnotherapy journey.  Contact Me now!


You can relax knowing that you will be working with a qualified and professionally certified Hypnotherapist and Mindfulness coach.

I am a member of the  International Association of Counsellors and Therapists.

There is a strict code of conduct and ethics which I must abide by to remain certified.  Professional Membership requires annual certification to ensure that my knowledge and skills are kept up to date and in line with recommended best practice.

Certified member International Association of Counsellors and Therapists


What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a safe process of communicating directly with the subconscious mind. The subconscious can be compared to the hard drive on a computer, everything you have learnt or experienced is saved there. Learning to walk, social interaction, beliefs, values, feelings, emotions,
long term memory and imagination. Most of our behaviours and automatic thoughts come from the subconscious. Hypnotherapy focuses on accessing that information and helping you to adjust the self
limiting behaviours and thoughts, replacing them with more useful ones. The techniques used go beyond just treating the symptoms and address the underlying issues, providing you with the tools to resolve them.

What does it feel like?

Hypnosis is a natural state that everyone enters during their day, while watching a movie, simply day dreaming, reading a book or drifting off to sleep. Because it’s a natural state, hypnosis is safe for every one. During hypnosis you can hear, move around, cough, laugh, cry, sneeze, and even open your eyes. Everyone’s experience of hypnosis is different, you may feel no different to when you are simply relaxing and daydreaming, or you may have a more profound experience.
What ever your experience is, there is no right or wrong way and most describe a feeling of deep relaxation after their session … I like to refer to it as a massage for your mind.

 How Many Sessions will I need?

Everyone responds in different ways to hypnosis, success is dependent on both the client, the hypnotherapist as well as what the presenting issue is and what you are wanting to achieve.
Your goals will be discussed with your hypnotherapist in the 1st session and they will give you a realistic expectation on how many sessions you might need. As a general guideline, plan on between 2 – 5 sessions

Is it Safe?

The state of hypnosis is a naturally occurring state that we all enter into several times a day, just before sleep, waking up and while daydreaming or when you are completely absorbed in a good book or movie.  Because it is a naturally occurring state, it is completely safe.

What are your success rates?

Hypnotherapy is not a quick fix like Hollywood and stage shows often portray, it requires commitment and participation from you as well. Your hypnotherapist is a facilitator in allowing you to make the changes required and success is dependent on you being open to and accepting the suggestions made during your sessions and allowing them to happen. Everyone’s situation and circumstances are unique so it is impossible to give you any guarantees about your success specifically however the following success rates comparing hypnotherapy with other types of therapy were published by a doctor in Psychotherapy Magazine (Volume 7, No 1 Alfred A Barrios, PhD)

Hypnotherapy Success Rates


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