Zen Hypnotherapy?
Zen Hypnotherapy providing online information in Auckland and New Zealand whilst assisting each consultation is approached with mindfulness, professional counselling and life style coaching services.
Do you need help to overcome hurdles in your life, or motivation reach your goals? Zen Hypnotherapy can help you contact professional hypnotherapists that offer sessions available online, or by appointment face to face.
Zen Hypnotherapy – Provides information on clinical hypnotherapy with mindfulness, counselling and coaching techniques. All your hypnosis session should be tailored for you ensuring faster results and lasting change. As the name suggests, zenhypnotherapy goal is that all clients will experience a little more “Zen” that will ad calm and peace in their our busy, stressful lives. Your sessions should focus on teaching you tips and tricks to allow you to practice self hypnosis and the art of mindfulness. Self hypnosis and mindfulness when taught correctly are easy to learn and will allow you to achieve a state of calm and peace when you need it most.
Zen Hypnotherapy is not all about hypnosis and therapy. Visit this site to find out more about the services provided and which one is ideal for you on our services page
A free initial consultation should be offered with every hypnotherapy, mindfulness, counselling, life coaching, and empowerment session to make sure you are a good candidate for the therapy, to make sure it will work on you, and to address any questions you may have. This initial session is crucial to make sure you are in the appropriate frame of mind for the treatment to be effective as well as for you to ascertain that you are at ease with the therapy and feel safe and secure. You should be required to complete and submit your thereapist’s client T&C form and client questionnaire before to the initial appointment. This is so they can learn a little bit more about you and your goals. You will have the opportunity to ask any queries you may have by doing this, and ensure that the services offered are the right choice for you.
The first step is making contact ….. Contact Us
What we help you with
What ever you are feeling or problems you are trying to solve, zen hypnotherapy can help you!

- Stop smoking quick and easy
- Reduce your alcohol intake
- Increase or reduce Food Intake
- Get Off The Drugs
- Limit Screen Time
- Change Your Gambling Behaviour’s
- Help withdrawal symptoms
- Manage cravings and other addictions

- Easy Healthy Eating habits
- No crash or fad diets
- Stop binge eating and cravings
- Reduce Food Cravings

- Calm and relaxed birthing
- Improve your natural fertility

- Learn self hypnosis to overcome fear
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Overcome Phobia’s
- Create Calm

- Learn self hypnosis for pain management
- Relief from medical symptoms
- Sleeping Difficulties
- Drug free anaesthesia

- Improve self esteem & confidence
- Improve Concentration
- Overcome Anxiety
- Bed wetting

- Increase your stamina
- Learn to focus
- Break through mental barriers
- Perform at your optimum
Our Testimonials
Ready to make some life changes?
If you have decided to make some changes in your life then you are going to love Hypnotherapy. Simple, fast and medically proven results that will last. What are you waiting for … Contact us today!